Mountain West AETC Event



Bearing and Caring Community of Practice Series


A Stress Management 
Community of Practice Series
Hosted by 
The Mountain West AETC 
Free 3-session Community of Practice
2nd Wednesday of the month April-June
Pre-registration is required; Attend as you are able
Session Dates:
April 14
May 12
June 9
Originally limited to Department of Corrections Nurses, this continuing portion of our Community of Practice series is now open to anyone wishing to participate, 
inside or outside of corrections.
This past year has been stressful for most of us. Changes in our work and home lives due to COVID, fear of contagion, polarized communities, multiple losses, traumatized patients and clients, and more are taking their toll on us collectively and individually.
Self-care and focusing on the good are often the first things to get neglected when we are stressed. Healthcare clinicians and other caregivers are prone to putting themselves on the back burner in the service of caring for others. Self-neglect results in poor health,poor job performance and damaged relationships. Until we are able to address our own needs, we cannot effectively address the needs of others.
The Mountain West AETC is hosting a monthly open Community of Practice on stress reduction and wellness. Topics will include focus on self-care and improved wellness by providing education and skills related to:
Mindful self-awareness
Stress and stress reduction
Personal strengths
Acceptance and change
Dr. Sharen Barboza is a clinical and consulting psychologist who has worked in the field of correctional mental health for over 20 years. She is a monitor, consultant, trainer and speaker with expertise in mental health, crisis management, self-injury reduction and trauma-informed care. Dr. Barboza presents nationally and internationally on stress management and self-care for custody and healthcare staff. She has published research related to suicide risk factors, dementia, interventions in restrictive housing and reducing self-injury. She holds anM.S. in Experimental Psychology from Tufts University; a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Fairleigh Dickinson University and she is certified in Whole-being Positive Psychology.
Neon CRM by Neon One
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